
The current issue of Green Socialist is the 100th since the journal began publication a quarter of a century ago. It is a significant milestone perhaps but also gives us pause for thought because what it signifies in many ways is how little progress has actually been made in the intervening period towards achieving the goals ofContinue reading “Editorial”

The cost of living crisis 

Mike Davies and Malcolm Christie argue that the Tories have no plan to help Britain’s poorest families weather a perfect economic storm Britain is suffering critically high inflation – the worst for forty years. Double digit price rises will be with us for years. Millions are already finding they cannot afford essentials like food and heating. Benefits, pensionsContinue reading “The cost of living crisis “

The rise of fascism in France 

Toby Abse warns that Macron’s election victory does not herald the end of Europe’s far right The outcome of the second round of the French Presidential Election on 24th April came as a great relief to anybody concerned about the advance of the Far Right on a world scale over the last few years. Nonetheless, aContinue reading “The rise of fascism in France “