Green Socialist 108

Toby Abse sees a warning for the future in the outcome of the recent EU elections The June 2024 European elections may well prove to be a turning point in the history of the European Union. On the one hand, the majority in the European Parliament that elected Ursula von der Leyen as the President ofContinue reading “Green Socialist 108”

Will Brexit break Britain?

By Malcolm Christie The United Kingdom is a multinational state, comprising England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland – the ‘awesome foursome’, according to Boris Johnson. Yet the UK is becoming disunited as a result of Brexit and covid-19. Unionism is under threat. Just as it wriggles free from the EU’s grip, the UK is lockedContinue reading “Will Brexit break Britain?”

Deal or no deal?

By Malcolm Christie The United Kingdom’s chaotic exit from the European Union is back in the headlines as the clock ticks down towards the end of the transition period. No wonder first-time Conservative voters in Labour’s former ‘red wall’ seats are scratching their heads. A year ago, Boris Johnson promised a weary public that hisContinue reading “Deal or no deal?”